Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Event Handling in Java

In AWT components, we came to know every component (except Panel and Label) generates events when interacted by the user like clicking over a button or pressing enter key in a text field etc. Listeners handle the events. Let us know the style (or design pattern) Java follows to handle the events.

The event handling Java involves four types of classes.
1. Event Sources
2. Event classes
3. Event Listeners
4. Event Adapters
1. Event Sources
Event sources are components, subclasses of java.awt.Component, capable to generate events. The event source can be a button, TextField or a Frame etc.
2. Event classes
Almost every event source generates an event and is named by some Java class. For example, the event generated by button is known as ActionEvent and that of Checkbox is known as ItemEvent. All the events are listed in java.awt.event package. Following list gives a few components and their corresponding listeners.
Button, TextField, List, MenuActionEvent
Checkbox, Choice, ListItemEvent
Mouse (hardware)MouseEvent
Keyboard (hardware)KeyEvent
The events generated by hardware components (like MouseEvent and KeyEvent) are known as low-level events and the events generated by software components (like Button, List) are known as semantic events.
3. Event Listeners
The events generated by the GUI components are handled by a special group of interfaces known as "listeners". Note, Listener is an interface. Every component has its own listener, say, AdjustmentListener handles the events of scrollbar Some listeners handle the events of multiple components. For example, ActionListener handles the events of Button, TextField, List and Menus. Listeners are from java.awt.event package.
4. Event Adapters
When a listener includes many abstract methods to override, the coding becomes heavy to the programmer. For example, to close the frame, you override seven abstract methods of WindowListener, in which, infact you are using only one method. To avoid this heavy coding, the designers come with another group of classes known as "adapters". Adapters are abstract classes defined in java.awt.event package. Every listener that has more than one abstract method has got a corresponding adapter class.

What happens internally at a button click?
We know the events are handled by listeners and ActionListener handles the events of a button. Observe the following skeleton code.

public class ButtonDemo extends Frame implements ActionListener 
  public ButtonDemo()
    Button btn = new Button("OK");
  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    String str = e.getActionCommand();
The above program contains a small part of event handling Java code of a big program, and is used here just for the explanation of internal event handling Java mechanism.
A button object btn is created for which events are yet to be linked. For this, the first step is implementing ActionListener to the class ButtonDemo. In the second step, we link or register the button btn with the ActionListener. For this addActionListener() method of Button class is used. The parameter "this" refers the ActionListener.
With the above statement, btn is linked with the ActionListener.
1. When the button btn is clicked, the button generates an event called ActionEvent. It is the nature of the button taken care by JVM.
2. This ActionEvent reaches the ActionListener because we registered the button with ActionListener earlier.
3. Now, the question is, what ActionListener does with the ActionEvent object it received?
The ActionListener simply calls actionPerformed() method and passes the ActionEvent object to the parameter as follows.
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)

The parameter for the above method comes from ActionListener.
4. Finally the ActionEvent object generated by the button btn reaches the e object of ActionEvent. All this is done by JVM implicitly. For this reason, the getActionCommand()method of ActionEvent class knows the label of the button btn.

String str = e.getActionCommand();
The represents an object of ActionEvent and the value for the e is coming from button btn.str is nothing but the label of the button OK.

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